

Scope of Work

Working in to Film Industry and Stop Motion Animation for a good 2 decades I've gathered a well rounded set of skills to see a project through from concept phase to a finish product. A lot of projects require on the fly and real world problem solving. Others show you material limitations and when it comes to quantity, straight diligence keeps you going to the very end.

 One thing about problem solving and pipelines, if you can anticipate workflow, you can prep your work for the next person down the line and that can save a lot of time and money.

 One of the most important thing about this Industry and most others, is that your working on a team of really talented and highly skilled individuals. No one can do it all, well you can, but it will take a very very long time. Delegation is the key my dear Watson. As a whole, great many things can be built and discovered.

I've organized my scope of work to different categories or projects.

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If you're interested in seeing some behind the scenes or how to build some props or miniatures, check out my blog for some tricks of the trade.

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Big Hero 6




